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Monday to Friday: Saturday’s, Sunday’s & Statutory Holidays:

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South Calgary Periodontal Group Suite #201, 747 Lake Bonavista Drive SE Calgary, Alberta, T2J 0N2

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Sedation Dentistry

napping-patient-relaxedNot many people get excited about their upcoming dental procedure or oral surgery! Many people experience fear or anxiety about visiting the dentist and put their dental treatment off until their problems worsen and have to be dealt with! At South Calgary Periodontal, we want to alleviate your fears and anxiety by offering anxious patients an alternative called Sedation Dentistry (also called Sleep Dentistry).

Are you a good candidate for Sedation Dentistry?

Do you experience any of the following:

  1. Do you experience fear or anxiety at the thought of going to the dentist?
  2. Do you have difficulty sitting or staying still for extended periods of time?
  3. Do you have difficulty getting numb or staying numb?
  4. Are you afraid of needles?

If you experience any of the above, you may be a candidate for sedation dentistry.

What are the benefits of Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry offers many benefits. Lengthy procedures (appointments that take more than an hour to perform) may seem to last for only a few minutes for the patient when under sedation. Furthermore, you may be able to undergo more treatments per visit while sedated, thus reducing the total number of visits required.

More importantly, sedation dentistry can allow patients to regain confidence in themselves because the anxieties that would normally be present are kept under control throughout the painless visit.

We offer IV Sedation Dentistry

IV Sedation – Also known as Intravenous Moderate Sedation (IVS) is a sedative administered by our team directly into your bloodstream. The sedation takes immediate effect and our team will constantly monitor you and ensure that your dosage can be modified quickly if required. IV Sedation produces a deeper level of sedation than Oral Sedatives. You will be sedated continuously throughout the procedure and you may be disorientated upon waking. We require that you should have a driver or a caregiver with you for the procedure as you should not operate a vehicle or walk alone afterwards.

oximeterWe offer Oral Sedation Dentistry

Oral Sedation – Another very common technique for sedation is oral sedation.  There are no needles involved and it is very easy. You will be given a prescription for a pill to take about an hour before your appointment. Before your procedure begins, you will be fully relaxed and at ease. Again, we highly recommend that you do not try to drive yourself or walk by yourself to or from your appointment. You will be disoriented and should not operate a vehicle. Oral sedation normally lasts for a few hours, so you may still be disoriented following your appointment.  Please have a driver bring you to your appointment and take you home afterwards.

Sedation Dentistry Summary:

  • Sedation Dentistry is Safe: You will not be unconscious, but will merely be in a deeply relaxed state. No intravenous tubes or needles are required.
  • Sedation Dentistry is Pain-Free: You will feel no pain while in the dental chair and you will have little to no memory of the experience.
  • Sedation Dentistry is Flexible: Depending on the treatment you require and the level of sedation achieved, sedation dentistry can help you remain relaxed for two to six hours.
  • Complex Dental Treatments can be Completed in Just One Visit: You can have crowns or bridges replaced, veneers cemented, numerous fillings done, a professional cleaning completed with our hygienist, or numerous teeth extracted; all while you remain comfortably relaxed.

Taking care of your teeth need not be a painful or stressful experience. So contact South Calgary Periodontal and find out how Sedation Dentistry may work for you!

At South Calgary Periodontal Group, we are always welcoming new patients.
Call us at (403) 278-5446 to book your Sedation Dentistry consultation appointment today!